
P&G Aquired Natura Pet Products

Happened May, 2010. So sad.

It was only time before P&G started to realize that pet owners are getting wise to the whole pet food industry, so they aquired Natura Pet Products, the makers of Innova, Evo, California Naturals, Healthwise and Mother Nature brands of pet food and treats, to cash in on their piece of the holistic, high quality pet food pie.

Great blog about it here

If you feed these brands I would keep your eyes wide open and remember P&G is all about profits and nothing else...no matter what their ads may say.


Have You Seen My Lipstick?

Why would you even ask me that? I'm insulted.

Every time something goes missing around here, everybody looks at me! For your information, I don't even wear that shade - it doesn't flatter my complexion and it tastes terrib…..

Oh, THAT lipstick...

Thank you to my Aunt who sent me this very cute picture.


New Illinois Puppy Law

Starting in January 2011, Illinois pet stores will be required to have pertinent medical and breeder information about their puppies for sale on display. Governer Quinn signed the bill on Sunday stating, 'We don't want anybody buying an animal that has been inhumanely treated before its sale, and unfortunately that has existed.'

This is a huge step forward for consumers but most importantly the fight against puppy mills. I want to thank the Illinois legislature for doing the right thing. It's time for all states to crack down on puppy mills and stop the abusive practices to the animals we domesticated. I look forward to more legislation in Illinois in favor of animals. We must continue to hit hard and let those who choose profit over the well being of animals know that they will not prosper in Illinois.

Thank you for the giant step in the right direction.


Crate For The Truly Modern Dog

Fido Flat, the coolest dog crate I've seen so far.Incorporating earth-friendly materials, the Fido Flat is an indoor dog home that doubles as a piece of furniture. It's available in two colors: Charcoal Gray or Blue. But here's the kicker, it's a bit pricey at $349.00 plus shipping (unless you live in the Denver Metro area, they will deliver for free). Pick yours up at fidoflat.com.

This one is on my list!


Vaccinations; The Controversy Continues

Dog vaccinations are a very emotional topic for me. I have two family members that lost their wonderful dogs way to soon, because of immune diseases brought on by vaccinations or over vaccinations. Last year I posted an article from Dr. Dan about Vaccinations. I’ve just come across another article that discusses vaccinations, in the August 2010 edition of Whole Dog Journal, and I wanted to share it. In fact, I urge you to read it. New information has been available for a few years regarding vaccinations so the old standard is just that, old and outdated. Here’s an excerpt:

In WDJ’s opinion (and that of the experts we consult), annual vaccination for most canine diseases is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Dog owners should avoid employing those old-fashioned veterinarians who recommend annual vaccines. Owners should also avoid those veterinary service providers who provide inexpensive vaccines and other routine care without the benefit of a relationship with you and your dog beyond a brief transaction in a parking lot or pet supply store. While the financial cost of vaccine clinics may be appealing, the fact is, your dog’s health may pay the price of unnecessary or inappropriate vaccines.

Full Article

I’m not saying don’t vaccination your dog, but as WDJ puts it, Educate yourself on canine vaccination practices using reputable sources so that you can have an intelligent conversation with your veterinarian on the pros and cons of vaccination for your dog; a good place to start are the AAHA Guidelines.