I read a blog post today on Petside.com, 5 Myths About Dogs and Babies and I think it is great information that is important to share. Many dogs find themselves homeless when baby arrives simply because they are confused and have not been given the proper training to handle the many changes that accompany a bundle of joy. Work with your dog before and after your baby is born and give them the chance to grow up as best friends.
Love this!
Source: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltcoto239E1qdhmrqo1_500.jpg
I've always loved this quote. It makes me think about how great it would be if everyone viewed the world like dogs. I often think about when Bailey was a puppy and on (most of) our walks I was rushing but he always wanted to stop and smell the flowers, literally. It took me a while but I realized that I have a lot to learn from him.