
Whatever Happened to the Vick Dogs?

Dogs confiscated from dog fighting rings are usually euthanized. In the Vick case, however, the court gave Michael Vick's dogs a second chance.

U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson ordered each dog to be evaluated individually, not judged by the stereotype of the breed. And he ordered Vick to pony up close to $1 million to pay for the lifelong care of those that could be saved. (Not enough according to the people at Dogtown.)

Of the 49 pit bulls found on Vick’s property, only one was deemed too vicious to warrant saving and was euthanized. Another was euthanized because it was sick and in pain. The rest were given the opportunity for rehabilitation.

Full Article

If you have the opportunity to catch the re-run of the National Geographic Channel show "DogTown" titled "Saving the Michael Vick Dogs," I urge you to watch it. “Dog Town” is one of the best shows I have ever seen and this particular episode is amazing.

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