
Coyotes and Dogs

Last night around 8:30pm, the coyotes that live in our neighborhood made another kill, this time right in the meadow behind our home. The sound is blood curdling.

I know it’s the circle of life and I try to remind myself of that when I picture the sweet rabbit or baby deer that just lost their life for coyote dinner. I just can’t help myself from thinking they got someone’s dog or cat. There are plenty of pet cats that people let roam around here and several small dogs that people tie outside all by themselves. Circle of life, circle of life, circle of life.

I would be devastated if the coyotes attacked my little dog so I have taken preventative steps to prevent this from ever happening. I’ve listed the steps I take to help you prevent coyote attacks on your pets:

I never let my dog outside without my supervision. It’s that easy and a small price to pay for living in such a beautiful community shared with wild animals.

Please keep your pets safe.

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