My heart goes out to Oprah for the loss of her Cocker Spaniel puppy, Ivan, she recently adopoted from PAWS-Chicago. He died from Parvovirus despite receiving the best medical care possible. His sister, Sadie, also adopted by Oprah, is currently battling the disease and we are hoping she makes a full recovery very soon.
Needless to say since Oprah is involved, Parvovirus is all over the news. I thought it was a great time to clear up much confusion about Parvo.
What is Parvo?
Canine Parvovirus is currently the most common infectious disease of dogs in the United States and is a huge killer of puppies. It is extremely contagious.
Parvo targets rapidly dividing cells in the body. For this reason, the dog's intestines -- where cells divide at a rapid rate -- are usually affected first by Parvo. This causes Parvo symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy and intestinal inflammation that prevent the dog's digestive system from absorbing nutrients.
In rare cases, Parvovirus can also attack the dog's heart, causing inflammation and sudden heart failure. Heart failure from Parvo is most common in puppies and less common in adults, as the heart cells in puppies rapidly divide as the dog's heart grows.
Parvo Symptoms
Many adult dogs exposed to the virus show very few, if any, symptoms. The majority of cases of disease are seen in dogs less than 6 months of age with the most severe cases seen in puppies younger than 12 weeks of age.
The most common form of the disease is the intestinal form known as enteritis. Parvovirus enteritis is characterized by vomiting (often severe), diarrhea, dehydration, dark or bloody feces, and in severe cases, fever and lowered white blood cell counts. Acute Parvovirus enteritis can be seen in dogs of any breed, sex, or age. The disease will progress very rapidly and death can occur as early as two days after the onset of the disease. The presence of gram negative bacteria, parasites, or other viruses can worsen the severity of the disease and slow recovery.
How Do Dogs Get Parvo?
Parvovirus is most commonly transmitted when a healthy dog contacts the feces of an infected dog. In ideal conditions, the Parvovirus can live on surfaces (i.e. clothing, food bowls, cages floors, dog toys, bedding, blankets, kennels) and in the environment for nearly six months, making it possible for a dog to get Parvo months after an infected dog has visited a location. Insects and rodents may also serve as vectors playing an important role in the transmission of the disease. Puppies can also get Parvo from their Mom while still in the womb.
The normal incubation period (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days. Feces can contain the virus as soon as the third day after exposure, often before clinical signs appear, and may last for one to two weeks after they contract the disease.
How is Parvo Diagnosed?
Not all cases of bloody diarrhea with or without vomiting are caused by Parvovirus and many sick puppies are misdiagnosed as having 'Parvo.' The only way to know if a dog has Parvovirus is through a positive diagnostic test. In addition to the more time consuming and expensive traditional testing of the blood for titers, a simpler test of the feces with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen test (ELISA), commonly called the CITE test, is also available through most veterinary clinics. Testing of all suspect cases of Parvo is the only way to correctly diagnose and treat this disease. A complete physical exam and additional laboratory tests such as a CBC and chemistry panel help to determine the severity of the disease.
How is Parvovirus Disease Treated?
Replacing fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea is probably the single most important treatment. IV administration of an electrolyte solution is preferred, but in less severe cases, oral fluids may be used. In severe cases, blood transfusions may be necessary and have proven successful. Antibiotics are usually given to help control secondary bacterial infections. In those dogs who have severe symptoms, antiserum against endotoxins may be given. Corticosteroids may be given if the animal is in shock. In cases of severe vomiting, drugs to slow the vomiting may also be used. After the intestinal symptoms begin to subside, a de-worming agent is sometimes used. Restricting the food during periods of vomiting is also necessary and IV nutrition may be necessary. Even with the best available care, the mortality of severely infected animals is high.
Parvovirus Vaccinations
The generally recommended protocol is to vaccinate puppies against Parvovirus beginning at 6-8 weeks of age, and revaccinating every 3 weeks until the puppy is 16-20 weeks of age. A booster is given at one year of age and every 1-3 years thereafter.
While Parvo vaccinations will prevent most cases of Parvo, no dog is immune. So even if a puppy is vaccinated against Parvo, there's a chance the puppy could still contract Parvo and die from the virus. If a puppy recovers from Parvovirus infection, he is immune to reinfection for at least twenty months and possibly for life.
Parvovirus -- like all viruses -- has the ability to morph into new strains. So when a new strain emerges, dogs are not protected from this new strain until scientists can identify the new Parvo strain and develop a new version of the vaccine.
Preventing Parvo Transmission
Cleanliness is the only way to prevent transmission. This is why Parvovirus most commonly arises in places where numerous dogs are in close contact - animal shelters, kennels, daycare facilities. However, even the cleanest facility can still have Parvo floating around. It is virtually impossible to have a kennel or dog facility that will not eventually be exposed to Parvo because of its ability to be transmitted through hands, clothes, paws, rodents and insects...
Parvovirus is extremely hardy, resistant to normal cleaning products and high heat. The only household disinfectant that kills the virus is bleach. Ultraviolet light also kills Parvo.
If your dog has been exposed or infected with Parvo, any fecal material or vomit needs to be removed with a detergent first and then a bleach solution. (Use a solution of ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water. Make sure the bleach solution is properly concentrated and allowed to soak the infected area to work effectively.) The bleach solution should be used on bedding, bowls, toys, dishes, kennel floors and other impervious materials that may be contaminated.
Obviously there is much unknown about the virus or the best way to control the disease, but new information is being learned daily. But, prompt treatment by a veterinarian will increase survivability if your dog is infected and working with your veterinarian on a vaccination program that is best for your dog is important. Remember that current vaccinations have helped to control the spread of this disease but despite the best vaccination protocol, all puppies will have a window of susceptibility where they will be at risk and even some vaccinated adult dogs still contract Parvo.
Hopefully with a better understanding of the disease, you will be able to make good health decisions for your dog that will help prevent and reduce the spread of this disease.
P.S. Humans cannot catch Parvo but they can spread it.
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